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Welcome to our practice for dermatology in Zürich Küsnacht.

With expertise and numerous treatment possibilities we can diagnose and treat your individual medical problems in order to find the best possible solutions. In our spectrum we cover classical dermatological treatments as well as aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. Our main emphasis lies on screening for skin cancer and laser surgery.

Working with modern technology and know-how including five different laser systems we possess the laser qualification diploma (Diploma for Aesthetic Laser Medicine D.A.L.M.) since 2005. We are long-term members of multiple laser professional organizations. We are one of only eight practices in Switzerland offering this expertise.

Having lived and worked in English-speaking countries (England/America/Queensland Melanoma Center Brisbane, Australia) our fluency in English and international experience make us ideally qualified to get you the best results in a stress free environment.



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In unserer Praxis ist Dr. Hans-Jakob Ravens als HNO-Arzt tätig.

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If you would like to make an appointment, please call us, book an online appointment or send us your inquiry online.



Dr. Christiane Ravens
Oberwachtstrasse 2
8700 Küsnacht


Dr. Hans-Jakob
Oberwachtstrasse 2
8700 Küsnacht


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